ActTrader Forex Trading Platform
A key element for Forex traders is to find a retail Forex trading business that offers a user-friendly trading platform. Trading software acts as the middle-man between a trader and a Forex broker, and there are certainly plenty to choose from. The biggest name by far is MetaTrader, but other software companies are jumping on board and proving to be worthy competition. One of these is the ActTrader trading platform that has been developed by ActForex. This particular platform is also known as ICTS, and joins a number of other platforms offered by ActForex, that includes ActPhone, ActPad, and ActDroid The platform is available in many different languages and has become the second most popular trading software in the world of Forex trading. There are now a number of ActTrader Forex brokers to choose from.
An honest review of ActTrader trading platform

ActTrader have worked hard and developed a full-featured Forex trading platform that enables easy customization, according to the individual needs of the user. The platform can be used to trade not just Forex, but also CFDs, equities, ETFs, Forwards and Options, straight from the platform. Here in this review we’ll be looking at some of the features that have made this particular platform a worthy contender and real competition for the big name of MetaTrader.
Response times
The reaction time of the ActTrader platform is impressive to say the least. Whenever it’s launched it takes no time at all to load all its great features. Requotes happen infrequently, even when rapid movements are taking place in the market. Order placing is simple and straightforward, and any commands a trader makes or activity is responded to very quickly.
ActTrader is easy on the eye
As well as being very pleasing to the eye, ActTrader is also very well-structured. The workspace can be tailored to individual traders requirements, which is thanks to detachable windows and the tabs. In the upper part of the screen, buttons are used for graphical representation, which ensures ease of recognition. The visuals are actually represented in a very organized manner. There is an FXVoyager Toolbar, where all the important commands are easily accessible.
A wealth of graphs and charts to help with trading decisions
Traders won’t be disappointed with the well-detailed charts and graphs available on the ActTrader trading platform, enabling informed decisions to be swiftly made. There are over 30 technical indicators that include bar, candlestick, and line charts, as well as the option to create your own custom made ones. At the top of the chart is a toolbar with a number of helpful features, including print, save, zoom, and draw tools. Objects can be easily created in the charts and linked to other charts also. Trading can be done directly from the charts, as there is easy access to price alerts, positions, and orders.
Navigation is easy
The FXVoyager Toolbar makes navigation child’s play. The organized menu that assists in browsing through the application provides stress free access to all windows and tools. There is a logically grouped set of commands under each of the tabs, which relate to a unique set of actions.
Interesting features make ActTrader stand out from the competition
With ActTrader there are a number of interesting features, as well as there being the opportunity to trade CFDs, ETFs, currency and Forex options. One-click trading functionality allows for easy customization, and positions can be opened and managed effortlessly. There is also a very useful tool called ActFX, which can be used for evaluating charts, back-testing strategies, and opening and closing positions automatically. A handy Price Alert tool provides traders with instant notification when an instrument reaches a pre-set rate.
Account tracking is easy
A trader can easily keep a track of all activities using the ActTrader trading platform. Open positions are clearly visible via the Summary window, as well as showing an overview of a particular account, or all accounts. The Net Profit/Loss is visible as well as open positions which are displayed per instrument. All information about an account can be seen in the Account Information window, along with an added option to combine multiple accounts into one section. Which allows a trader better monitoring.
A final few words on ActTrader trading platform
Our general view of ActTrader trading platform is that it is an easy to organize and customize platform that is very flexible. Traders can swiftly execute their trades and manage accounts, without being bothered by the complexities of currency trading. It is easy to navigate and even beginners will have no problem finding their way around. All in all this trading platform is a force to be reckoned with, and provides traders with a wide range of functions to help in making informed trading decisions.
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